Fire Exit Hardware

Fire exit hardware plays a crucial role in ensuring building occupants can escape quickly and safely in the event of a fire. We stock hardware that is rated to BS EN179 and BS EN1125, plus Break Glass boxes and spares and outside access devices.

For more information on fire door compliance, read our comprehensive guide to Fire Door Hardware here, or give us a call and we'll be happy to advise you.

Fire Exit Hardware FAQ's
What Standards Apply To Emergency Exit Hardware?

There are 2 standards that apply to emergency and panic hardware:

BS EN179 - This standard applies to hardware to be used in emergency situations where people are familiar with the emergency exit and its hardware. Devices operated by a lever handle or push pad may therefore be used.

BS EN1125 - This standard applies to environments where a panic situation is more like to occur, such as hospitals, cinemas and restaurants, where occupants have no prior knowledge of the exit hardware.